Our mission is to offer programs that help women feel supported so they can better support themselves and their children.

Support Women & Children

In the wake of divorce, mothers and their children can feel like they're adrift at sea. Insecurity can creep in, chipping away at a mom's confidence as she worries about the future. Days blur together, filled with anxieties and a sense of being overwhelmed. It's a common experience, but a heavy one.You don't have to navigate this alone. We understand the unique challenges that divorce presents for families, and that's why we offer 

workshops and support groups specifically tailored to address a variety of issues and needs that can arise during this family dynamic change. Whether you're a mother struggling to communicate with your ex-partner about co-parenting,
or a child feeling confused and withdrawn, our programs can provide a safe space for open discussion, emotional support, and practical tools to help you move forward together.

Jane Cares virtual drop-in weekly meetings
Mentoring one on one
Mom's Groups twice weekly (children 0-12) & young adults
Silver Linings Groups 60+ gray divorce
Workshops psychotherapists/child psychologists/parent coaching

Discover how meaningful engagement and support can unlock and nurture your emotional well-being.

Women Cope

Our various support programs help women cope with the emotional challenges of divorce by providing safe, supportive peer nourishment and strategies for managing the exhausting toll caused by divorce stress or lingering post-divorce trauma. We offer women opt-in weekly and monthly support, with targeted programming designed for women's varying needs. Our goal is the opportunity for all to have access to meaningful engagement to help express and process emotions in healthy ways.


Children & Divorce

To soften the impact of divorce on children, we offer parenting groups that discuss strategies on how to talk with children about divorce, guest child experts who offer insightful parenting best-practices and forums designed to support mothers managing co-parenting challenges.

Check our events calendar here for program dates and details. If you have questions, or to learn more please email us at [email protected]

Our Programming Remains Free

We are able to continue to offer free programming to every member thanks to the critical support of donors like you. If you are interested in supporting our work, please make a donation today.

Healing unfolds when women connect in safe spaces.

Your gift to Jane Does Well transforms you into a supporter, educator, healer, connector and advocate.  

By empowering women, we rebuild independent, strong lives. Our nonprofit relies on donations from individuals, foundations and businesses. Every gift makes a difference to the women and children that Jane Does Well supports. 
We are a nonprofit organization with an operating budget fully reliant on charitable gifts and 100% of your donation is tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Our tax identification number is: 82-5436845
For media inquiries, questions or to learn more, please email [email protected]